Believer Bible Class (BBC)

Attend BBC

When new people join us, we welcome them and make them comfortable. We tell them about our church and our services. We encourage them to come again; and again. After a few more attendances, we then introduce them to our BBC.

The BBC is a new member's class. It is not necessarily a new believer's class, but a new member's. It's why we ask every new member to be a part of it. The BBC helps new members understand the gospel, catch the vision of the church, understand and embrace the expectations of church membership, and connect to the community.

Do you like our church? Have you decided to be a full member? Would you like to join our work force? Yes?... Then you need to register for and start the Believer Bible Class immediately. This is an essential part of being a member of our church and joining our work force. It is a requirement; and it takes only 8 weeks.

Register this Sunday at 08:30am! We will be waiting for you in the church auditorium. God bless you.

Word Alive Ministries International, Yaba - Lagos

The only means of being cleansed from sin is through Repentance and Faith in the Precious Blood of Christ

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6, Shiro Street, Behind Fadeyi Bus Stop, Fadeyi - Yaba, Lagos
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